Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens Review

The 7th movie in the Star Wars series recently made its way into theaters breaking some amazing records at the box office. The movie incorporates all of the main actors from the IV, V, & VI episodes. While episode VII was filmed many decades after the 6th episode, the movie follows by extending many decades as well. Hans Solo and Princess Leia now have a son that is already an adult and a missing Luke Skywalker who no one knows the whereabouts of. The movie is dedicated to finding the “map”‘to Skywalker and the struggles the main characters all endure. New actors were introduced and the Force was found within a woman from the planet Jukko named Rey played by Daisy Ridley. The movie features many unexpected plot twists but nonetheless leaves the viewer wanting more. The quality of the movie in comparison to previous ones was satisfying to Star Wars lovers and did not disappoint. Over all, the movie was very well made, directed, and had exceptional acting from the famous characters. I would recommend this movie to anyone. I must say you appreciate the movie more if you have seen the previous “episodes” that lead up to where the characters are now. By watching only the VII episode, viewers may not catch the significance of many small accomplishments of the characters such as R2D2 or the progression of the relationship between Princess (now General) Leia and Hans Solo.

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